#DBHangOps 02/27/13 <3
EDIT: Video from today’s #DBHangOps!
Hey there peeps!
February 27th at 12:00pm PST it is! Check back here for more info and keep a watchful eye on the twitter search (and feel free to join the conversation!). The topics we’re looking to cover this week are:
- Day-to-day pain points (what takes more time than it should?)
- rolling restarts and upgrades
- Performing checksums on your data
$ /usr/bin/pt-table-checksum \
--quiet \
formance_schema \
--lock-wait-time=50 \
--chunk-size-limit=0 \
--no-check-plan \
--no-check-binlog-format \
--max-lag=1 \
--replicate percona.checksums \
h=database.example.com \
2>&1 | grep -v '^Cannot connect to'
- Troubleshooting learnings and horror stories
- What toolkits do you use when things break? During an major outage?
- pmysql — http://dom.as/2010/08/12/pmysql-multi-server-mysql-client/
- csshX — http://code.google.com/p/csshx/
- TMux — http://tmux.sourceforge.net/
- TMux pane synchronization — http://amjith.posterous.com/synchronize-panes-in-tmux
- TShark command from Chad to view logins on a server:
$ tshark -l -i eth0 port 3306 -s 4096 -d tcp.port==3306,mysql -z "proto,colinfo,mysql.query,mysql.query" | awk '/MySQL Login Request/ {print $2 " " $8}'
- Box Raingauge — https://github.com/box/RainGauge
- Gavin Towey’s presentation at Velocity Europe 2012 — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZEA00bQsq8
Looking forward to seeing all of you DBAs on the google hangout! 🙂
Got a fun #DBHangOps planned for this week, Wednesday 02/13/12 at 12:00pm PST. Be sure to hit up this blog post tomorrow or check this twitter search to grab the link to join the Google Hangout.
Looking to bump this to either February 20th or February 27th.
Please also post times for CEST
A quick google search brought me to this which says #DBHangOps is at 22:00 CEST! 🙂