..A walk

..It starts

..And Continues

..Through life

..And society

..With little

..Steps until

..It grows


Class is over.

So I walk, down past the treessatori

the wind ripping at their limbs

as I see people squeezing into the 2 doors

to Crossroads. Overly cheerful

tour guides lead blank stares of

newcomers. Papers strewn about

a random table, food and a student atop.

A loud tolling of a bell, suddenly. It's

noon. I traverse the academic side,

glancing at anonymous posters.

The wind will take care of them soon enough.

Swarms of people attack me, slowing my trip

to home. Acorns fall from the paws of

squirrelssquirrel; attacking me. I make it to my room

and my chair finds me. A cold glass of Diet

Pepsi is poured. A paper is written.

Images Copyright (c) Ryan Bliss
Digital Blasphemy

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